Cambodia is speeding the adoption of E-Commerce Law



In the morning of October 8, 2016, at Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC), H.E. PAN Sorasak, Minister of Commerce, chaired the Opening Ceremony of PUC ITC 2016, under theme “Cloud Business or E-Commerce”.
In his opening remark, H.E. Minister praised students of the PUC’s Information Technology (IT) faculty who created the event to promote the IT sector of Cambodia, which is consistent with E-Government policy of the Royal Government, whose objective is to connect the public administration in order to provide efficient public services to the citizens. H.E. Minister further said that the Ministry of Commerce is finalizing the draft Law on E-Commerce to send to the Council of Ministers for review before sending to the National Assembly for adoption.

“E-Commerce Law will create a new business environment, called Cyberspace and allow youths doing trade without limitation at any time with all customers around the world to bring more revenues for the company and the country,” “Moreover, the E-Commerce will help promote the country’s reputation on the international stage because this business will facilitate the integration of Cambodia’s goods into the regional and global production network,” H.E. Sorasak added.

According to the source from the Department of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Commerce, the draft law of E-Commerce consists of 12 chapters and 90 articles. It combined detail regulations into agreements with online signature, conforming to the international standard, to manage the business operation and reduce the risk of payment transaction online.
