Road project along railway from km 6 in Khan Russey Keo to Boeungkok Lake

Phnom Penh City Hall plans to build a road along railway from kilometers 6 in Khan Russey Keo until Boeungkok Lake, according to the official Facebook page HE. Pa Socheatvong Mayor of the City Hall.

Facebook HE. Socheatvong said that with the approval of the government administrative capital will host a road flanked railway.

The source added that the path followed will be expanded to a 30-meter concrete drainage, water, electricity, etc., that can help deliver traffic from National Road 5.

Road construction along the railway accompanied for area development, there are a lot of benefits on road infrastructure and provide easy transportation and reduce traffic accidents.

On last August municipality also plans to build a rail road side from Route 70 to Route 5 in Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh. This road project along either side of 10 meters side rail with a length of nearly 5 kilometers.

